Learner killed for correcting his rude

The Western Cape learner’s “fault” was correcting a friend who had been impolite to an elderly person in Mitchell’s Plain.

The recent deadly stabbing of a Western Cape learner caused shockwaves after it was revealed why a friend actually killed him

Zanton Basson,aged 17, a learner from Rocklands High, was fatally stabbed by a friend last month in Mitchells Plain’s Westgate Mall, according to the South African

“It is claimed that when Zanton reprimanded his friend for being impolite to an elderly person, the two got into a fight. Then in turn, his friend struck him in the chest with a knife

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School Principal Nigel Pelston paid tribute to the youngster.

Learner killed by a friend

“It is with sadness that this 17-year-old young man’s young life had to be cut short so suddenly and so cruelly on Friday 18 November 2022. This tragic news undoubtedly changed our lives forever. His loving family, his classmates, the staff, his friends and all who were touched by his life, not forgetting the broader community. We are all devastated by his tragic loss.”

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“Zanton was a true Rocklands High school boy,” he continued. His calm demeanor was one of his appealing traits. Always be friendly when conversing with others. a heart of generosity. He always had a smile on his face and waved to every teacher he passed. My understanding is that he made class discussions lively, and everyone he interacted with benefited greatly from his optimism and warm presence.

He absolutely personified the passion of Rocklands High.

His class and the school will never be the same again. His young life was abruptly taken from him, leaving a void that will need to be filled by his priceless memory. He will always be remembered. His memory will endure in the broken hearts of everyone who is overcome with sorrow

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