Still no arrests after primary school girl was raped inside school yard

The case of the eight-year-old schoolgirl who was reportedly raped at Gobandlovu Primary School in eSikhaleni in September 2022 has taken a distressing turn as it appears to have gone cold.

Despite DNA samples being taken from alleged perpetrators, the victim’s mother expressed her frustration with the lack of progress in the case when she met with the investigating officer.

The mother shared her anguish over the situation, stating that her daughter will have to live with emotional scars for the rest of her life without receiving justice for the traumatic incident.

The young victim was said to have been raped inside the school toilets, and despite initial reports pointing to a Grade 7 pupil as the perpetrator, the victim failed to identify her attacker but pointed out several suspects in a line-up at the school.

The case was escalated to the Empangeni Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) unit after being reported to eSikhawini SAPS.

The victim underwent a rape investigation at the Thuthuzela Centre at Ngwelezana Hospital following the incident.

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