Oscar Pistorius reveals biggest regret ahead of prison release

Oscar Pistorius has expressed his deep remorse and regret over the tragic death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

In a heartfelt conversation with a prison social worker, Pistorius revealed that the thought of never being able to apologize to Steenkamp’s parents was tearing him apart.

According to a report submitted to parole authorities by prison social worker Clarah Erenst, Pistorius explained that he had sent letters to the family through his lawyers but had received no response.

“He explained that he understood that the family could still be going through the grief and wanting to deal with it in their own way and their own time,” said Erenst.

Despite this, he showed understanding and empathy towards the family, acknowledging that they might still be grieving and dealing with their loss in their own way and time.

Erenst’s report highlights Pistorius’ sincere desire for the Steenkamp family to find healing and closure.

The convicted killer shared that he often prays to God, asking for their forgiveness and hoping that they can eventually find peace.

Pistorius’ longing to apologize and seek forgiveness demonstrates his sincere remorse and his acknowledgement of the pain he has caused.

The tragic events that unfolded on that fateful night in 2013 not only took the life of Reeva Steenkamp but also shattered the lives of her loved ones.

Pistorius’ words reveal a man burdened by guilt and desperate for some form of redemption.

While there can never be true closure for the Steenkamp family, Pistorius’ willingness to acknowledge their pain and his desire to make amends is a small step towards healing.

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