Home Affairs has spent over R110 million on legal battles in under a year

Home Affairs has spent almost R300 million on litigation over the past five years, according to a written parliamentary response by Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

The citizens reports that, the department’s legal battles have cost more than R110 million between April 2023 and the end of February 2024, a significant increase from the R72.6 million spent in the previous year.

One of the major legal battles Home Affairs is facing concerns the Zimbabwe Exemption Permits (ZEP).In 2021, Cabinet decided not to renew the permits when they expired in December of that year. Instead, an extension of one year was granted to allow Zimbabweans time to apply for alternative visas.

The Zimbabwe Immigration Federation challenged the decision in court, arguing that the termination of the permits was unconstitutional and invalid. This case sparked significant delays, public outrage, debate, and appeals.

Department of Home Affairs

Department of Home Affairs

In June of the last year, the court ruled against Minister Motsoaledi, issuing an interdict preventing the department from arresting, deporting, or detaining individuals without a valid ZEP.

Motsoaledi applied for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals, which was dismissed. He then applied for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court.

These ongoing legal challenges have contributed to the department’s substantial litigation expenses.


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