WATCH| Things get messier with the Booth

Hours after Matthew Booth broke his silence on cheating allegations made by his wife Sonia Booth on Monday, another plot is unfolding in the Booth’s household and matrimonial demise.

On Wednesday, Sonia posted a live video on her Instagram account informing her followers that her husband allegedly followed her to the gym using a car tracker before searching the vehicle while she was inside.

Sonia can be heard yelling at Matthew and calling him a coward in the video. She also claims that she is publishing the video as proof if something were to happen to her.

“Me being tracked, my car searched using a spare key … unfortunately for him, I stepped out of the gym as he was busy searching. Ten seconds later he steps out of the gym for a ‘talk’, too late. Done with the lies,” she wrote.

Sonia revealed her husband’s suspected adultery in a string of Instagram posts on Monday.

Matthew, a soccer legend and SuperSport analyst, remained silent on Monday but subsequently addressed allegations of an affair made by his wife Sonia, a former Miss South Africa runner-up.

In a statement provided, Matthew claimed the accusations were untrue and that he was resigning from his position as counsel to handle the situation.

Read the full statement by Matthew Booth below:

It is the utmost sadness and disappointment that my wife Sonia Booth resorted to airing these unfounded allegations on all platforms with an intention to tarnish my name without discussing them with me, and without considering the damage that these allegations will cause, especially to our minor children who are in the middle of their final exams and to the Mthombeni-Moller family.

The matter has been handed over to my attorneys who have been instructed to vigorously take the necessary steps to claim the appropriate relief. I will leave this to the legal system and let the truth prevail in due course.

I would like to appeal to Mrs Mthombeni-Moeller, the corporates and sponsors who have partnered with the Booth Trust for the advancement of soccer development initiatives not to allow this personal matter to deter the good work that’s being done, and that which lies ahead.

Also read: Couple arrested 23 years after faking death

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