Sunday World takes a dig at Dr Phophi Ramathuba’s funny looking ‘banana’ shoes

Limpopo MEC for Health, Dr. Phophi Ramathuba, recently made waves with her fashion statement as she toured Phiphidi Clinic in Venda to launch 24-hour health services on February 27.

However, it was not the initiative that caught attention but rather the unusual way in which Dr. Ramathuba wore her shoes during the visit.

Observers noted that the MEC had her designer shoes on the wrong feet, sparking speculation and humour about the fashion faux pas.

Some questioned how such a noticeable mishap went unnoticed by her office, suggesting possible sabotage or a new avant-garde fashion trend.

Despite the amusing mix-up, Dr. Phophi Ramathuba’s commitment to her role and dedication to healthcare in Limpopo remain unwavering.

The playful commentary surrounding the footwear incident highlights the human side of public figures and adds a touch of levity to the political landscape.

Dr. Ramathuba’s dedication to her duties and efforts to improve healthcare services in the region remain commendable, overshadowing any sartorial slip-ups.

Ramathuba’s unexpected fashion statement has sparked conversation and laughter, showcasing a relatable and down-to-earth side to a prominent figure in the healthcare sector.

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