Khama Billiat’s USD$5,000 salary turns Zimbabwean football into a laughing stock because of his hungry team mates

Khama Billiat’s recent move to Zimbabwean club Yadah FC has sparked controversy and garnered attention for all the wrong reasons.

The international media has been buzzing with amusement after Billiat posted a picture of himself with his new Yadah FC teammates, drawing focus to the state of the team’s equipment, particularly their boots.

The image of Billiat’s high-quality boots juxtaposed with the worn-out footwear of his new teammates has led to criticism and raised eyebrows about the priorities and investment choices of Yadah FC.

One journalist even went as far as to comment on how a struggling team like Yadah FC could afford to bring in a player like Billiat, who was deemed surplus to requirements at Kaizer Chiefs, instead of investing in better equipment for their own players.

The situation has ignited a debate about the disparity in resources and investment within the world of football, with many questioning the decision-making process of clubs like Yadah FC.

Despite the negative attention surrounding the move, Billiat remains focused on his new chapter with Yadah FC and is determined to make a positive impact on the team.

In response to the criticism, Billiat remained diplomatic, stating, “I am grateful for the opportunity to play for Yadah FC and I am focused on helping the team succeed. I believe in the potential of this team and I am committed to giving my best on the field.”

His words reflect his professionalism and dedication to his craft, despite the external noise surrounding his move.

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