Mother devastated as her son prefers hanging out with taxi drivers everyday after school

A TikTok video capturing the escapades of a young boy named Endinako “Andy” Krila Sapuka has taken social media platforms by storm.

The video showcases Andy, a resident of Khayelitsha near Cape Town, who harbors a deep love for the taxi world and often spends his time at the local taxi rank, much to the chagrin of his mother, Masiki.

Despite his mother’s explicit instructions to refrain from visiting the taxi rank after school, Andy’s passion for the industry led him to sneak out and defy her orders.

In a heartfelt apology to Masiki captured in the video, Andy expressed his remorse for disobeying her, acknowledging that he anticipated her disapproval upon his return.

Masiki, visibly concerned about her son’s frequent visits to the taxi rank, questioned Andy about his priorities, emphasizing the importance of education over his fascination with taxis.

She reminded him of the significance of focusing on his studies and completing his homework diligently, highlighting the need for academic success regardless of his aspirations in the taxi industry.

The video resonated with internet users who follow Andy’s social media page managed by his mother, sparking discussions about parental guidance, education, and childhood dreams.

Many viewers praised Masiki for instilling values of discipline and education in her son while also acknowledging Andy’s enthusiasm for the taxi world.

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