Eastern Cape schoolgirl fell pregnant and gave birth after being raped by HIV positive serial rapist

The Eastern Cape’s Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Nomthetheleli Mene has commended the Mthatha High Court for handing down a significant sentence to Xolani Gcelu, a remorseless HIV positive rapist who committed a string of horrifying crimes.

Gcelu, 35, received eight life terms and a staggering 162 years in prison for his despicable actions, which included housebreaking, kidnapping, robbery, rape, and attempted murder.

General Mene did not mince words when describing Gcelu as “unremorseful and shameless” for the atrocities he committed against his victims.

The Commissioner also praised the dedication and investigative skills of Deputy Sergeant Ndileka Bokolo, who played a crucial role in ensuring that justice was served.

During his reign of terror, Gcelu targeted eight women, five of whom were schoolgirls between the ages of 18 and 27.

The impact of his crimes was further compounded when one of the victims fell pregnant and gave birth to his child.

The sheer brutality and callousness of Gcelu’s actions left a lasting scar on the lives of those he victimized.

After initially being arrested in July 2019, Gcelu’s case was temporarily put on hold pending DNA results. However, he was rearrested in September 2022 in the Western Cape and has since remained in custody.

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