Zimbabweans make 98% of illegal immigrants – Botswana’s Home Affairs minister lays it bare

In a recent parliamentary session, Botswana’s Minister of Labour and Home Affairs, Anna Mokgethi, addressed concerns regarding the influx of irregular migrants in Botswana, particularly citizens from Zimbabwe.

Mokgethi revealed that from 2021 to 2023, out of a total of 13,489 irregular migrants, a staggering 13,189 were Zimbabwean nationals.

The minister acknowledged the increasing number of immigrants each year, with 2023 recording the highest influx.

“It is also evident that the numbers increase on an annual basis…,” Mokgethi stated.

In 2021, there were 3,278 irregular migrants, followed by 4,751 in 2022, and 5,160 in 2023.

When questioned about the involvement of illegal immigrants in criminal activities, Mokgethi admitted awareness but lacked specific figures.

“I am also aware that some of the irregular migrants are involved in crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery,” she confessed.

However, due to the time constraints, her ministry and the Botswana Police Service were unable to segregate the information regarding the numbers and types of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Regarding the negotiations between Botswana and Zimbabwe on the use of identity cards at the borders, Mokgethi revealed that no agreement had been reached yet.

The Botswana government is currently assessing the feasibility of implementing this initiative and ensuring compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards for international travel.

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