Woman who was captured beating up pregnant woman has been identified as Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister

Wendy Mbatha found herself in hot water after a physical altercation with pregnant woman, Snothile Gambushe (Gumede).

The incident, which took place in a shopping mall, escalated quickly with Wendy’s boyfriend, Senzo Cele, also getting involved in the altercation.

According to witnesses, Senzo was seen hitting the pregnant woman until security guards intervened.

Wendy’s sister is famous actress Nomzamo Mbatha.

The situation turned ugly as both parties exchanged heated words and blows.

Wendy claimed that Snothile was the first to attack her and even showed scars from being bitten by the pregnant woman.

In a statement, Wendy explained her side of the story, saying, “I see her intentions for biting me, she wants to make me sick.”

However, Snothile retaliated by cursing Senzo, calling him derogatory names and claiming she was not scared of him.

Despite the heated exchange, Wendy revealed that Snothile eventually apologized for her actions.

“This girl apologized for everything and said she would write on social media that she was joking. She even called me Mandy by mistake and said she thought I was the girl who took her man,” Wendy said.

The altercation resulted in Wendy and Senzo spending two nights in jail and appearing at the Pinetown Magistrates Court for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

They were both released on R1,500 bail each.

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