WATCH| I started my day with beating up a taxi driver says a Woman

A woman who goes by the twitter handle @thusthus12 took to social media to confess that in a moment of anger, she started her day with beating up a taxi driver and was still high on adrenaline.

The incident happened on Tuesday,5 December 2023,  after a Taxi driver allegedly drove straight into woman’s car at high speed in the middle of the road.

According to the woman, the robots were not working, she took her turn going into the road and the taxi appeared out of nowhere and hit her. This sent her car straight into the pavement and fuelled her with anger.

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She further claims that the taxi driver nearly killed her and that the taxi rank Marshall tried to threaten her for physically assaulting the taxi driver and she told him where to get off.

Woman gets into a physical altercation with a taxi driver

She was not aware that at the time the incident was being recorded and has since gone viral on social media. Soon after the incident the staff that witnessed the incident from the offices allegedly sent down a cooldrink and chocolate for her and applauded her bravery from the balcony.

From the video, you can hear women encouraging the violent response saying “mshaye, mshaye”  (beat him beat him)

She also stated that her right hand hurt as she  has not been in a physical altercation in years, beating on a grown man was not part of her plans for the day.

She concludes with saying that she thinks everyone is tired of taxi drivers bullying citizens.

As the video continues to gain momentum people have cautioned her about her reaction. Some advised her to practice anger management while other reminded her that the taxi driver did not retaliate that is why when lived to tell the tale.


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