Valdo asks dad for R100 for “Small Gift” for girl

South African musical duo Valdo and Lindo Sithole, known for their hit song “Ntwana-Ntwana,” recently entertained fans with a lighthearted video capturing a typical father-son interaction.

In the video, Valdo, the younger Sithole, asks his dad, Lindo, for R100 to buy a “small gift” for a girl he likes. 

“Daddy, so Friday… there’s a young lady that I want to buy a small gift for, something like, chips, a chocolate or a small juice,” Valdo says.

Lindo, visibly amused, asks what he can help with before Valdo reveals the R100 request. 

Shocked at the amount, Lindo, known for his hit song “Ok’salayo,” jokes about his own days in primary school when he received a mere 20c to 50c for snacks.

Valdo, clearly embarrassed, responds, “You are asking many personal questions.”  Defeated, Lindo promises to think about his son’s request.

The video highlights the playful dynamic between the father-son duo, reminding fans of the relatable struggles and joys of modern-day family life.

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