Uproar as white farmer shoots two teenagers

An 82-year-old Free State farmer is facing attempted murder charges after allegedly shooting at two teenagers during a confrontation over hunting.

The incident, which left one teenager hospitalized, has sparked outrage and renewed concerns about vigilantism in South Africa.

According to police reports, the two teenagers, aged 18 and 19, were hunting at approximately 8:30 pm when they were confronted by the white farmer, their neighbour.

A heated exchange ensued, allegedly involving verbal abuse from the farmer, prompting the teenagers to flee in their vehicle.

However, the farmer pursued the teenagers in his own vehicle and allegedly opened fire on them.

The 18-year-old driver was struck in the back and shoulder, while his friend managed to escape and drive to their family farm.

The injured teen was rushed to a hospital in Bloemfontein, where he is currently receiving treatment.

“He (the farmer) allegedly swore at them, and they sped off in their car,” stated Warrant Officer Mmako Mophiring, police spokesperson.

“The farmer pursued and started shooting at them.”

Police swiftly arrested the suspect and confiscated his firearm for ballistic testing. 

He faces two counts of attempted murder and is expected to appear in court soon. 

This incident highlights the urgent need for conflict resolution and responsible firearm use within South Africa, particularly in rural communities.

Also Read: 28 foreign nationals caught trying to enter South Africa illegally

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