Update: Family of Lerato Kganyago’s stalker reach out to her and drop a bombshell

Lerato Kganyago recently took to Twitter to address a longstanding issue involving a man who has been harassing her over his child.

The man has persistently claimed that his child is in the DJ’s care, causing Lerato significant discomfort over the past year.

Expressing her frustration on social media, Lerato shared her exasperation with the situation, stating, “This man has made my life uncomfortable.”

She also expressed her desire to reach out to the man’s family to ensure he receives the necessary help and support for his mental health struggles.

In a surprising turn of events, a family member of the man reached out to Lerato on Twitter, shedding light on the man’s mental health condition.

The family member revealed, “He is my brother and has mental issues. It seems as a family we didn’t notice and even see this happening. Please contact me so we can sort this out immediately.”

Appreciative of the assistance in locating the man’s family, Lerato expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you to those that assisted us in tracking down his family, I hope he gets all the help he needs.”

She further revealed that the family is aware of his struggles and is taking steps to ensure he receives professional help and support.

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