The Star exposes how Bushiri allegedly scammed South African believers

Controversy continues surrounding self-proclaimed prophet Shepherd Bushiri as allegations of deceit and financial misconduct continue to surface.

Bushiri, who is currently a fugitive from South Africa where he faces charges of corruption and money laundering, has come under scrutiny for his involvement in an investment scheme that has left members of his Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church in financial ruin.

Members of the ECG Church have revealed that they invested millions of rand in Bushiri’s investment programme, only to discover that their money had been funneled to Malawi.

Reports indicate that at least 17 individuals have confirmed that they deposited funds into the scheme but received no returns.

The situation escalated when Bushiri claimed that Sbongile Mzinyathi from South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) flew to Malawi to defend him, rather than seek his extradition.

However, the Department of Justice swiftly dismissed Bushiri’s assertions.

Department spokesperson Chrispin Phiri stated, “Rubbish! The NPA doesn’t defend people, it prosecutes them.”

Further complicating matters, a fraud case was opened by Lindiwe Ngubane-Mbatha against Bushiri, alleging that she was deceived out of a million rand through an investment seminar conducted by Bushiri in 2017.

KPMG’s investigation into the matter revealed discrepancies in Bushiri’s claims, particularly regarding a company named Rising Estate Limited, which Bushiri identified as the recipient of the invested funds.

The Hawks, a special unit of the South African police, refuted Bushiri’s statements and disclosed that nearly R200 million had been transferred to Malawi through various means, casting doubt on the legitimacy of Rising Estate Limited’s involvement.

Meanwhile, media reports from Malawi suggest that Bushiri has been living a lavish lifestyle, with rumors circulating that he is in the process of purchasing a Boeing aircraft using funds allegedly collected from South African believers.

Bushiri’s promises of lucrative returns through his “Shepherd Bushiri Trading Platform” have left many people financially devastated.

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