Teenage girl suffers horrifying ordeal as 4 men team up to rape her

A horrifying incident of gang rape has shocked the Mphephu policing area in Polokwane.

The incident occurred between Friday and Saturday, leaving the victim traumatized and the community outraged.

According to Provincial police spokesperson Colonel Malesela Ledwaba, the victim was accompanied by her friend as they hitchhiked a ride with a man driving a white VW Polo.

Little did they know that this seemingly innocent act would turn into a nightmare.

“The driver, who was alone, dropped the victim’s friend and while on the way to the victim’s school, he made a turn and went to Tshituni Thembaluvhilo village, where he forced her to enter into a certain house and raped her,” Ledwaba explained.

The horror didn’t stop there. Two more males entered the house and joined in the heinous act of rape.

The perpetrators then took the victim to another house near a crèche in the same village, where a fourth male continued the assault.

Throughout the night, the four suspects took turns raping the helpless victim.

This incident has once again highlighted the issue of gender-based violence and the urgent need for stricter measures to protect women and girls.

The community is demanding justice for the victim and calling for the perpetrators to be apprehended swiftly.

Ledwaba assured the public that the police are working tirelessly to bring the culprits to justice.

Also Read: Cop pours cold water on Meyiwa accused assault allegations

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