16-year-old boy arrested for the rape of another teenage boy

Police in Villa Nora are investigating a rape case involving minors, following an incident that occurred on 31 March 2024 in  Viannen(Vianna) village outside Marken.

According to information recieved, a 16 year old boy allegedly raped a 14 year boy . The suspect allegedly assaulted the victim before taking him to the bushes, where he raped him.

The police are investigating the matter.

In a seperate incident, an unknown suspect allegedly raped a 6-year-old child girl while she was at the school, on Friday, 05 April 2024.

Her mother became aware of the ordeal, after she took off her school uniform as well as her underwear with bloodstains. She asked her child and that is when the minor informed her that another learner at school raped her.

She immediately took her to local clinic. The victim was transferred to hospital for medical treatment. A rape case was registered for further investigations.


Must read: Family left heartbroken after Owami Visagie,17, was allegedly raped and killed by her cousin

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