Taxi boss allegedly committed murder while he was with his girlfriend

The case of Bonke Makalala, a taxi boss charged with various serious crimes including murder, is now ready for trial.

Last December, the Daily Voice states that he was arrested in Pretoria for the illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition while with his girlfriend.

On Tuesday, he appeared in the Wynberg Magistrates’ Court on six charges dating back to 2018. The State indicated they were ready to proceed to trial.

The prosecutor stated, “There had been a request for all matters to be centralized but the case in Pretoria is a negative because there is another accused with him.”

Magistrate Goolam Bawa said the Director of Public Prosecution must still decide whether the matter is going to the regional or High Court.

“I would imagine that all the Cape Town matters will be centralized. Mr. Makalala is to remain in custody until the next court appearance.”

Makalala is accused of multiple serious offenses, including murder in Old Crossroads, Nyanga, in August 2018, and the shooting death of taxi boss Masixole Batwali on December 13, 2019, along with wounding a woman and her 9-year-old child.

Additionally, last July, he allegedly impersonated a police officer by addressing a community over a police van’s intercom system at a taxi rank in Masiphumelele, Ocean View.

In Pretoria, he was found with a handgun that he claimed did not belong to him, resulting in his arrest for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Despite having no previous convictions and no outstanding warrants, he was denied bail in Wynberg.

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