Rubber bullets fired during confrontation between Nigerian nationals and SAPS

During a routine patrol on Elliot Street, South African Police Service (SAPS) officers stopped and searched a Nigerian national suspected of carrying drugs. Upon searching the suspect, officers discovered mandrax tablets, dagga, and crystal meth in his possession.

When the officers attempted to arrest the suspect, he allegedly resisted and assaulted one of the SAPS members using a tire strap. This confrontation escalated when a large group, also believed to be Nigerian nationals, attacked the officers and damaged SAPS vehicles.

They had demanded he not be apprehended.

The situation continued to unfold leading to the arrests of eight Nigerian men,they appeared in the Kimberley district court on Monday. They are now facing charges of malicious injury to property, assault, and public violence.

Onogu Nwaemeka, Kelecho Oken, Ebot Kennedy, Chijioke Steven, Charles Aknaji, Umemba Sophuru, Amajoyi Tochukwu and Charles Okerie Onyedikashi are the eight Nigerian men who were arrested.

“Mayhem broke out as the police tried to contain the situation and the accused started to attack the police. Additional tactical police reinforcements were called and the eight accused were arrested,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane said

The case was been until April 26 for further investigation and the accused were remanded.


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