There is a strong possibility that MK Party will win KZN says analyst

Political analyst Precious Lugayeni stated that it is improbable for the ANC to surpass the MK Party (MKP) in KZN, as the MKP holds a significant lead.

Lugayeni predicts that the top three parties in the province will likely be the MKP, ANC, and either the DA or IFP.

As of 11 am, with 9% of the votes counted, the MKP was leading with 75,585 votes, followed by the ANC with 37,148 votes and the IFP with 30,978 votes.

“The IFP is also coming strong behind, and it may climb up and stay continue to stay at third place.”

She said that it was unlikely that there would be a coalition at this point.

“If the MK gets an outright majority, there wouldn’t be a need for a coalition, but if it drops and gets votes below 50%, we may likely see a coalition,” she said.

Lugayeni said it was also difficult to say who in the MK party would be premier if it wins.


Must read: IEC impressed by the number of South African who voted

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