Metro police vehicle suddenly crashes on suspect

On the 12 January 2024, Metro police was conducting a road policing operation on M21 in Hammanskraal at around 16:20, where he allegedly stopped a white Toyota Hilux pick-up with four passengers and a driver.

According to reports the driver had no  driver’s license, and the vehicle also did not have a license disc.

The officer allegedly instructed the driver to step out of the vehicle, but the front passenger pressured the driver to flee instead.

Responding swiftly, the officer and his team pursued the vehicle for about 1 km, leading to its halt.

Upon exiting the vehicle, policeman informed the driver of his arrest for non-compliance with traffic officer instructions and driving without a valid license.

The front passenger continued to interfere with the arrest and recieved warnings multiple times from the officers that fell into deaf ears.

Eventually, he was arrested for his interference, resulting in insults, swearing, and resistance to arrest. The driver and another passenger joined in the interference and verbal abuse.

Reason the metro police vehicle crashed on suspect

Backup was called, and as the front passenger resisted arrest and attempted to escape.While on its way, the backup vehicle was disturbed by another vehicle which made a sudden stop, trying to avoid a collision, the backup vehicle swerved off the road, accidentally hitting the suspect and two metro police officers.

Suspect cries in agony after being hit by metro police vehicle


The suspect was transported to Botshilo private hospital with an ambulance, escorted by a Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) marked vehicle. The police officers were taken to Unitas hospital with an ambulance.

The driver and the other passenger were arrested and taken to Temba Police station. A case was opened, citing charges of:

a. Failing to comply with the instruction of a traffic officer.

b. Interfering with the duties of a traffic officer.

c. Crimen injuria.

d. Resisting arrest.


The third suspect was discharged from Botshilo private hospital and also taken to Temba police station on the same day.


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