Jabulani Khumalo wants to be the President of MK Party

The Electoral Court is hearing a case on Monday involving Jabulani Khumalo’s challenge against the Electoral Commission’s decision to remove him and list former president Jacob Zuma as the president of the uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP).

Jabulani Khumalo wants to be the president of MK Party

In an application submitted on May 18, Khumalo requested the court to declare the commission’s decision invalid and unlawful, and to overturn it. He is also seeking a court order for the Electoral Commission of South Africa to recognize him as the president of the party.

Following the vote count on Sunday, the MKP emerged as the third largest party nationally, trailing only the ANC and DA.


Must read: ANC loses majority of its vote, marking the worst performance in 30 years

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