Husband held down man while his wife stabbed him to death in a Durban car park

Ronelle Munilall expressed profound disappointment at the sentencing of her son’s killers, believing a harsher punishment would have served both justice and the potential for rehabilitation.

Joeash Govindsamy and his wife Aveshnee Naidoo were found guilty of murdering 27-year-old Bryson Munilall in a Durban nightclub parking lot in November 2022.

It is reported that Joeash held down Bryson while his wife stabbed him.

“My son’s killers should have been given the maximum sentence of life imprisonment, so that he could understand the severity of his actions and the impact it has had on us,” stated Ronelle, emphasizing the family’s desire for a sentence reflecting the gravity of the crime.

She lamented the lack of remorse or empathy shown by the accused and their families.

Govindsamy, with prior convictions for attempted murder and weapons possession, received a 20-year sentence.

Naidoo was sentenced to 14 years, including four for a separate assault charge.

Ronelle believes a lengthier sentence could have fostered rehabilitation for the benefit of both the accused and their two young children.

“Although we know nothing will bring our son back, we now have some closure and we believe that the rotten fruit will fall by themselves,” she added, highlighting the family’s focus on healing rather than retribution.

The probation officer’s report revealed troubled backgrounds for both convicts, marked by poverty, neglect, and domestic abuse.

Also Read: Police arrest the ‘victim’ after he killed the ‘bad guy’

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