Home Affairs minister Motsoaledi goes after employers who employ undocumented foreigners

Home Affairs minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi is gunning for employers who are employing undocumented foreign nationals.

Motsoaledi emphasized the importance of cracking down on businesses that hire undocumented foreigners, as it not only undermines the local job market but also poses security risks and contributes to social issues.

“Anyone who knowingly employs an illegal foreigner or a foreigner in violation of this act shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year. Additionally, a second conviction of such an offence shall be punishable by imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine,” said Motsoaledi.

He urged parents to register their children and highlighted the case of Thabo Bester, the Facebook Rapist, who lacked proper documentation.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that can arise from undocumented individuals living and working in the country.

Premier Mabuyane echoed Motsoaledi’s sentiments, emphasizing the need for strict enforcement of immigration laws to protect the rights of South African citizens and ensure that businesses operate within the legal framework.

He stressed the importance of collaboration between government departments, law enforcement agencies, and community members to address the issue of undocumented foreigners in the country.

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