Foreigner arrested for forcing 7 women to work as sex slaves

The Hawks have rescued seven women trafficked from Thailand to South Africa, shedding light on the pervasive issue of human trafficking that persists globally.

The media states that the women were discovered at a residence in Edenvale, Gauteng, where they were being exploited under the guise of promised employment opportunities.

Captain Lloyd Ramovha, spokesperson for the Hawks, disclosed that the rescue mission unfolded following intelligence regarding potential human trafficking activities at the Edenvale premises.

Anupong Chaiprasit, 33, who was unlawfully present in the country, was apprehended and subsequently appeared in the Germiston Magistrate’s Court.

The victims, hailing from Thailand, shared harrowing tales of deception, wherein they were enticed with prospects of a better life in South Africa, only to find themselves coerced into sex work upon arrival.

Ramovha emphasized the gravity of the situation, underscoring the deceptive tactics employed by traffickers to exploit vulnerable individuals seeking improved livelihoods.

Major General Ebrahim Kadwa, lauding the investigative efforts of the Hawks, reiterated the commitment to combatting human trafficking, labeling it a persistent scourge that demands vigilant intervention.

He affirmed the Hawks’ dedication to addressing instances of trafficking wherever they arise, signaling a resolute stance against this heinous crime.

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