Ethiopians tell South African man to close spaza shop or else

Public outcry as South Africans continue to be victimised by foreign nationals, including Ethiopian, on what they allegedly claim to be their territory.

A frustrated businessman took to social media to share his experience with Ethiopians after he partnered with his friends and they opened a few establishments and a spaza shop in Tembisa.

“Me and my friend opened a spaza shop,buy and braai and a car wash here in Tembisa last weekend and today 3 Ethiopians came to tell us that we can keep the two but Spaza shops belongs to them,so we must close it or they’ll deal with us.” The businessman wrote

This angered South Africans in numbers, some blame politicians for their lack of effort in ensuring that the rights of South Africans are protected. While others suggested that the case should be reported to the police.

It was further alleged that foreign national spaza shop owners hire locals to rob spaza shops that are owned by South Africans to force them to close down or have them killed.

Ethiopians allegedly target South Africans

These allegations come a few days after the chairperson of the Ratanda Mazibuye Kazi Spaza Shops Business Forum, Happy Nyawuza, was gunned down and killed in Heidelberg Road.

Happy Nyawuza who allegedly killed by Ethiopians

Happy Nyawuza

The hit cane a few weeks after Mandla Moqoqo, the forum’s secretary, and Moeketsi Mollo, a tuck-shop owner was allegedly killed by foreign national spaza shop owners.

The Ratanda Mazibuya Kazi Spaza Shops, Business Forum is a new formation that wants to bring all locally-owned spaza shops under one umbrella.

Must read: Happy Nyawuza killed by foreign spaza shop owners in Ratanda

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