Daring gun totting robbers terrorize family during loadshedding

A Phoenix family in South Africa is reeling from a harrowing experience after being left vulnerable during a violent home invasion due to a prolonged power outage.

The Belliraj family found themselves defenseless as their home alarm system and panic buttons failed to function without electricity, leaving them at the mercy of armed intruders.

The situation was exacerbated by the ongoing municipal workers’ strike that has delayed the repair of a cable fault, plunging the Westham area into darkness since March 3.

Shamila Belliraj recounted the terrifying events that unfolded on a fateful evening when their home was invaded.

With no means of alerting authorities or activating their security system, the family was at the mercy of six armed men who brazenly entered their property.

The intruders proceeded to ransack the house, threatening and assaulting the occupants while looting valuables, electronics, and personal belongings.

Belliraj’s distress was palpable as she described the traumatic ordeal of being held at gunpoint, robbed of her possessions, and witnessing her daughter endure the same harrowing experience.

“The robber held me at gunpoint and took me from room to room looking for valuables. They took two televisions, our microwave and cellphones.

“Another one was at my daughter’s side. She tried to hide some of our valuables. They just hit and kicked repeatedly.”

Belliraj said her daughter gave them her jewellery, including a bracelet she was wearing.

“They stole R5 000 that I had been saving. I was going to donate this money to Food for Life at the upcoming Festival of Chariots. One of the robbers also went into my prayer place and stole R200.”

The thieves callously seized jewellery, electronics, and a significant sum of money that Belliraj had intended to donate to a charitable cause.

The family members residing on the property were also subjected to the same brutality, losing their belongings in the ruthless raid.

Also Read: Mother’s worse nightmare comes true as her son is peppered with bullets

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