Babes Wodumo gushes over her new boyfriend

Gqom sensation Babes Wodumo has sparked a wave of intrigue and speculation as she recently shared a video of herself walking alongside former Amaroto member, Zuma, on her Instagram account.

The rumoured relationship between the two musicians has been the subject of much talk, particularly emerging just a year after the passing of Babes Wodumo’s husband, Mampintsha.

Known for her occasional tributes to the father of her son, Babes Wodumo has also been open about showcasing moments with her new partner, Zuma.

In the recent Instagram post, the singer affectionately captioned the video of their stroll with, “Wena owakithi 🙏❤️.”

While Babes Wodumo’s post was met with admiration and support from many fans, it also elicited mixed reactions, with some expressing reservations about her new relationship.

One fan, in particular, shared their thoughts, stating, “Mina Babes, I don’t like this guy for you. Maybe it’s because I’m comparing him to Mampintsha. As long as you are happy, we are happy for you.”

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