Alex residents ditch the ANC for Jacob Zuma’s MK Party

The Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party has delivered a significant blow to the ANC in Alexandra, traditionally an ANC stronghold. Since the advent of democracy, the ANC has governed ward 75 in the township.

Alex go for mk party

However, this changed on Thursday when local election results were announced, showing a decisive victory for the newly formed MK party, led by former president Jacob Zuma.

MK triumphed in all five voting stations in the ward, with the IFP finishing second.

The outcome in ward 75 is particularly notable as it encompasses the Madala and Nobuhle hostels, whose 6,000 residents played a pivotal role in determining the result.

Out of 8,000 votes cast, MK secured over 4,000, while the IFP garnered about 2,000, making the contest essentially between these two parties.

Most hostel residents are Zulu speakers, and their votes reflected a preference for Zuma’s liberation message over the more measured approach of IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa.

Many of those who voted for MK are former ANC members or supporters dissatisfied with the governing party for various reasons, including what they see as the unfair treatment of Zuma.

Khanyile Radebe, a resident of the Madala hostel, expressed that he voted for MK because he believes life was better under former president Zuma.

“It is very hard to find jobs now. Even our living conditions are bad. We live in a dirty hostel with no service delivery at all. All we get from the current government is promises that are never fulfilled,” he said.


Must read: There is a strong possibility that MK Party will win KZN says analyst

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