Residents receive eviction letters after this happened

Some residents from eMalahleni informal settlement have received eviction letters.

The ruling has left residents like Dudu Kunene and her neighbour Celiwe Jara devastated.

They have called Santa Village home for many years and have built their lives and raised their families there.

The thought of having to uproot themselves and start over in a new place is overwhelming.

The residents of Santa Village are not taking the ruling lying down.

They are planning to appeal the decision and are seeking legal advice on how to proceed.

They argue that they have nowhere else to go and that the municipality has not provided them with suitable alternative accommodation as required by law.

The situation in Santa Village is not unique.

Across South Africa, there are many communities facing eviction due to land disputes and development projects.

The issue of land ownership and housing rights is a contentious one in the country, with many people living in informal settlements and facing the constant threat of eviction.

The residents of Santa Village are determined to fight for their right to stay in their homes.

They have formed a community committee to coordinate their efforts and have reached out to human rights organizations and legal aid groups for support.

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