Wife files for divorce and sues husband for over R300,000 for not showering

A Turkish woman, identified as AY, has successfully filed for divorce and won a lawsuit amounting to over R300,000 against her husband, CY.

A Turkish man whose wife was repulsed by his hygiene habits or lack thereof sued him for over R300,000 and won

A Turkish man whose wife was repulsed by his hygiene habits or lack thereof sued him for over R300,000 and won

Wife vs Smelly Husband

The primary cause cited for the divorce was the husband’s alleged lack of personal hygiene, leading to an unbearable living situation for AY.

The woman’s lawyer presented the case in a family court, highlighting the husband’s reported habit of wearing the same clothing for extended periods, infrequent washing, and a persistent unpleasant body odor.

The lawyer argued that spouses are obligated to contribute to a shared life, and when one party’s behavior makes it intolerable, divorce becomes a viable option.

“We must all be careful in human relations! For this reason, we must pay attention to both our behaviour and cleanliness,” stated the woman’s lawyer during the proceedings.

To support her claims, AY presented witnesses, including common acquaintances and co-workers of the husband.

These witnesses reportedly provided comments confirming the man’s bad personal hygiene practices.

The Regional Court of Justice and the Supreme Court of Appeals ultimately issued a final decision, deeming the husband’s poor personal hygiene acceptable grounds for divorce.

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