12-year-old girl shot dead while she was at school in Cape Town

The turf war between the 28s and the Nice Time Kids in Beacon Valley has claimed the life of an innocent school meisie who was struck in the gangs’ crossfire.

Panic spread across the Cape Flats community yesterday as worried parents rushed to the Ieglaasi Nieyah Primary School, where the 12-year-old girl was killed.

“It is heartbreaking to see such senseless violence taking the life of a young girl. Our community is in mourning,” said community activist, Sarah Daniels.

It is believed that Firdouz Kleinsmidt was standing near her classroom when she was hit in the head by a stray bullet on Tuesday morning.

The girl’s transport driver, who witnessed the incident, says she was standing in front of the victim when she collapsed.

“The image of her collapsing right in front of me will haunt me forever. This is a tragedy that could have been prevented,” said the traumatised witness.

The Daily Voice witnessed the woman carrying a bloody tracksuit top in her hands as she broke down in tears when the victim’s family arrived.

The grief and anguish in the air were palpable as the community gathered to mourn the loss of a young life.

“The violence in our community has reached a tipping point. We need action from the authorities to put an end to this gang war and protect our children,” said local resident, John Petersen.

Police spokesperson, Lieutenant-Colonel Malcolm Pojie, confirmed that the 12-year-old girl was fatally wounded after being shot in the head by a stray bullet.

“The Anti-Gang Unit was on the scene, and we are pursuing all leads to get behind what happened. The girl was on the school premises when she was killed,” said Pojie.
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