Yellow bone cleans out her boyfriend during pillow talk and even blesses herself with his fridge as an ‘allowance’

A 36-year-old man, Thabo Bojang, is seeking justice after allegedly being swindled out of R44,000 by his ex-girlfriend, 28-year-old Bontle Lenyena.

Bojang claims Lenyena, whom he dated for three years, lured him into a non-existent ‘Stokvel’ group, a traditional savings scheme.

According to Bojang, he faithfully contributed R1,000 per month to the group for two years. However, when it was finally his turn to collect his returns in March, he was met with a series of excuses and evasions from Lenyena.

“She kept changing her story and got angry every time I asked about my returns. She got furious and ended our relationship,” Bojang stated.

He further explained that Lenyena convinced him to join the ‘motshelo’ just a month into their relationship.

Infatuated and trusting, he readily agreed, believing he was the 27th member and would have to wait his turn.

“I joined and kept on sending her the required amount until it was my turn to be the beneficiary,” he said.

Despite early doubts about the group’s legitimacy, Bojang admits he ignored his suspicions due to his trust in Lenyena.

“I was long promised that I would be added into the group’s Whatsapp but it never happened. Still, I trusted Bontle and didn’t suspect anything!” he declared.

Following their initial break-up, Bojang says they briefly reconciled, during which time he entrusted her with R6,000 to purchase materials for his upholstery business.

However, he alleges she kept the money for herself. This final betrayal led to another break-up early last month.

Bojang is now demanding R44,000 from Lenyena, which includes the ‘Stokvel’ money, the business funds, the cost of a phone he bought her, the value of his fridge that she allegedly relocated without his permission, and the sheriff’s fee he incurred to reclaim his belongings.

“This lady is a thief and a scammer but I swear I will get my things back!” he asserted.

Lenyela, on the other hand, dismisses Bojang’s claims as the bitterness of a jilted lover.

“A man must provide for his woman so that other men don’t take her. Regarding the fridge, I took it as one of those gifts,” she remarked dismissively, laughing off the accusations.

For Bojang, however, this is no laughing matter. He feels used and betrayed.

Also Read: Man shot by his accomplice during robbery

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