Two killed in a fatal love triangle

A 43-year-old man was arrested on 16 November 2022, by a multidisciplinary police team for two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder, and illegal possession of a firearm.

The event that led to the arrest took place at Ezindlovini in the Ndwedwe policing precinct on Thursday morning. The deceased elderly mother says that a stranger came to the house in the afternoon, the day before the incident, looking for her son. The man claimed that he had planned to shoot the deceased because he was having an affair with his fiancee  At the time, the deceased was not at home

Two people killed

On Wednesday morning, the same person came back and knocked on the door. The mother of the deceased attempted to block the door when she realised it was the same man who had threatened to shoot her son. He then pulled out a gun and pushed the woman out of the way. Her son was inside, and the man went in and shot him in the head. Witnesses claim that the suspect left in a white Toyota Yaris (registration unknown)

He then went to his 34-year-old fiancée’s house, where he shot and fatally wounded her. He also shot and injured an eight-year-old child, who was taken to the hospital, and his fiancée’s mother, who is 58. Using his gateway car, the suspect escaped the scene.

The suspect was detained in Nsuze at Ngcongangconga, where he was also discovered to be in illegal possession of a gun and ammunition. Today, November 17, 2022, was his first day in the Nsuze Magistrate’s Court.


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