Trio sentence for rape and kidnapping of a man

On 30 August 2022, a trio, Peter-John Adams (19), Rodney Beukes (20), and Austin Fritz (17) received harsh sentences from Worcester Regional Court for rape and kidnapping.

On 26 August 2017, the victim, a man who was then 23 years old, was relaxing by a fire with two friends and listening to music when the trio jumped a fence, grabbed him, and took him to a brand-new building in Bella Vista, Ceres. They beat the victim and took turns raping him. He was kept in the building for hours, and the offenders wouldn’t let him leave.

He was able to escape and call for help at about 2:30. Three accused Ford Boys gang members were arrested and charged with rape and kidnapping four days later.

Peter-John Adams was found unfit to possess a firearm and given a 20-year prison term for both offences.

Rodney Beukes was found unfit to possess a firearm and given a 20-year prison term on both counts.

In accordance with Section 77 of the Child Justice Act, Austin Fritz received a 10-year prison term. He was also found unsuitable to possess a firearm under Section 103 of Act 60/2000.

Detective Sergeant Anthony John van Rooy of the Ceres Family Violence Child Protection Sexual Offenses Unit is commended by the South African Police Service (SAPS) administration in the Western Cape for his remarkable investigative abilities in this case.

Attacks that are homophobic are severely condemned by SAPS, and anyone who commits such crimes will be held fully accountable. We hope that this severe punishment makes it clear that such horrible deeds won’t be accepted in our community.

Also read: Man hunted mother’s killer, stabbed him 50 times

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