Tiger Woods loses his mojo

The recent performance of golf legend Tiger Woods at the Masters Tournament has sparked a range of reactions from fans and observers alike.

While die-hard supporters continued to cheer for the five-time champion, acknowledging his past achievements and resilience, neutrals expressed concerns about his future in the game.

Woods’ performance at the Masters, where he finished in 60th place with a score of 16-over-par, marked his worst showing at the prestigious tournament.

Despite setting a record for consecutive cuts made at the Masters, Woods’ struggles on the course, including scores of 82 and 77 over the weekend, have raised questions about his ability to compete at the highest level of the game.

Injuries sustained from a car crash and other physical setbacks have taken a toll on Woods, making it challenging for him to navigate the demanding courses of professional golf tournaments.

While Woods remains fiercely competitive and optimistic about his future in the game, his recent performances have left many wondering if the toll on his body is too high a price to pay.

As Woods looks ahead to the next three Majors, including the PGA Championship, the US Open, and The Open, fans are left to ponder his motivations and aspirations.

While Woods’ determination to continue competing is admirable, some question whether he can realistically contend for another Major title given his current physical condition.

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