Thats why he was benched in the World Cup final: Manie Libbok’s last gasp miss haunts Stormers fans

Manie Libbok found himself at the center of attention after missing a crucial conversion that could have secured a one-point victory for the Stormers against La Rochelle in Cape Town.

The pressure-packed kick, positioned about 15 meters from touch, ultimately veered wide of the left-hand upright by a significant margin, costing the Stormers a potential win.

Despite the disappointment of the missed conversion, it is important to acknowledge Libbok’s significant contribution to the game.

In the 79th minute, he displayed skill and precision by setting up a try for Suleiman Hartzenberg with a well-executed chip kick into the far corner.

This crucial play brought the Stormers back into contention and demonstrated Libbok’s ability to perform under pressure.

The challenging conditions, including a strong 40kph wind swirling around the stadium, added an additional layer of complexity to the kick.

Observers noted that the ball appeared to be on course towards the posts before unexpectedly veering off target, perhaps influenced by the gusty conditions.

While the missed conversion will undoubtedly be remembered as a pivotal moment in the match, it is essential to recognize the broader context of Libbok’s performance.

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