Tennis star Novak Djokovic could get a job at AC Milan

Tennis sensation Novak Djokovic could soon land a job at Italian giants AC Milan.

The San Siro outfit’s American owner Gerry Cardinale very nearly adopted what would have been an unconventional approach in his quest to return the legendary club to its former glories.

Cardinale believed that Djokovic’s mental strength and determination could have a positive impact on the team’s performance.

The Serbian tennis star is known for his mental resilience and ability to overcome challenges, making him a potential asset in the world of football.

However, despite Cardinale’s interest, the approach to Djokovic never materialized.

It is unclear whether the Serbian player was even aware of the potential opportunity.

Nevertheless, the idea of bringing a tennis superstar on board as a mental coach highlights the increasing importance of mental strength in professional sports.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role that mental fortitude plays in an athlete’s success.

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