Tembisa Reacts to Shocking Mob Justice Incident That Left 5 Dead

Following the discovery of five bodies in the streets of Kanana in Extension 4, Tembisa, residents are grappling with shock and a mix of emotions.

The incident is believed to be connected to an early-morning mob justice attack, with six individuals reportedly targeted.

Residents shared their perspectives on the disturbing events.

Where the bodies were found in Tembisa

Where the bodies were found in Tembisa

Tembisans react

“I have never seen anything like this before. These bodies were laying there unattended, so I had to accompany my kids to school,” remarked a concerned parent.

A Tembisa resident, describing the behavior of the deceased men, expressed the longstanding fear instilled by the gang in the community.

“These men were a part of a gang that is troublesome in this community; they steal and rob people of their belongings.”

” I would say the community had enough of their torture and retaliated,” the resident stated.

Despite the relief felt by some, there is an acknowledgment that death should not be celebrated.

The same resident added, “We cannot celebrate death.”

“But they made our lives miserable because sometimes they would steal electricity cables and leave us with no power for days.”

A neighbor to one of the families of the victims shared insights, mentioning that the deceased was from Zimbabwe.

“There were talks about this boy being a headache in the area, and no one ever paid attention to that. I feel sorry for his family because transporting a dead person to Zimbabwe is not cheap.”

The family of one of the deceased declined to comment when approached by Sunday World.

“We had a meeting as a family earlier, and we have decided that we will not be making any comments to the media about this matter. Thank you,” said a man before closing the gate.

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