Teenage boy’s dead body robbed after he was shot

The teenage boy was shot in Egofeni. His cellphone was then stolen from his corpse. The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon.

Residents called Reaction Unit South Africa. To report a shooting approximately 4 kilometers from the Hazelmere Dam. Reaction Officers discovered the individual in a prone position. A teenage boy was on a driveway leading to a shisanyama store.

He died as a consequence of a single gunshot wound to his lower back. This was discovered after an examination.

Three of his friend decided to buy meat from a nearby shisanyma store. When they entered the building the boy was still on the road. He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend.

Two individuals shot him from behind without warning. The victim ran towards the store begging for help and then collapsed. He died in the driveway. The suspects approached his corpse and took his Huawei Mobile Phone then fled. They ran to an unknown location.

A 9mm bullet with a spent cartridge was discovered at the scene.

Reaction Officers were notified by a female on the scene. She had been robbed of her smartphone by two suspects minutes before the murder.

Also read: Horrific emergency leaves 15 dead

Latest crime statistics

According to the Mail & Guardian, the latest crime statistics were presented to parliament’s police committee. South Africa’s murder rate increased by 8.9% in the last three months of 2021 compared to the same period the previous year, while attempted murder increased by 3.5 percent and carjacking increased by 13.8 percent.

Between October and December 2021, the overall number of homicides documented climbed by 562, reaching 6 859, up from 6 297 during the preceding reporting period.

These murder figures are for the third quarter of the fiscal year 2021-22. In the fourth quarter of 2021, more women were killed than in the same period the previous year, with 902 deaths, up 4.2 percent or 36 deaths over the previous year.

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