Sugar Ndiki’s funeral and cause of death

After posting images and videos of the fancy funeral of his deceased dog, Sugar Ndiki, Moshe Ndiki caused controversy among social media users. For Sugar’s respectable funeral, he claimed to have hired Nono Events, a well-known celebrity event planner.

People had different views on this, with some believing he overdid the whole affair and others showed sympathy and understanding for his loss.

Sugar Ndiki gets a lavish funeral

“After being bitten by a pit bull, Sugar died approximately a week ago. Why not arrange a lavish funeral, I thought? Why can’t I do it for my pet as people do it for their family members, children, and parents? He never changed in my life. I admired him. I can’t think of any reasons why it shouldn’t, and I don’t see any issues, he told Drum.

When asked about the criticism he received for planning an event for a pet, he responded, “People are people, and it’s in their nature to talk and to react to things they are unfamiliar with. It was my first time organizing and attending a dog burial. I had never attended one before.

However, the topic is not criticized. People like to use their standards as a benchmark for other people.

Moshe told the publication that he would not mind getting another puppy however at the moment he is still grieving.

Opinion on Sugar Ndiki’s funeral

It is uncommon for people to give their dogs a fancy funeral. Most people only bury and mark the graves of their pets. I wouldn’t do this since I think there are more worthwhile things I could buy with the money than to throw a lavish funeral for a dog. Having a burial is acceptable because dogs grow to be a member of the family and resemble children. But such excessive expenditure is a bit much. But again, it’s his money and his decision.


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