State spends R 1 million for top cops to stay at plush hotel

Action Society has dropped a massive bombshell revealing that the State has been paying more than R50 000 a month for a senior cop to stay at a larney hotel.

The organization has criticized this as “wasteful expenditure” and is calling for the removal of Major General Sizakhele William Dyantyi, the commander of the newly formed West Coast police district.

Dyantyi has been staying at the three-star Saldanha Hotel for the past 17 months, with the state having spent almost R1 million on his accommodation.

Ian Cameron, the Director of Action Society, expressed his concerns over the situation, stating, “The taxpayers’ money is being well spent while he lives in luxury for the last 17 months… that’s almost R1 million that has been spent on this general’s accommodation, while his own members at police stations don’t always have toilet paper to use when they go to the bathroom, when they don’t have paper to write on, where photocopy machines don’t work and where vehicles aren’t always roadworthy.”

In response to the criticism, Brigadier Novela Potelwa defended Dyantyi’s stay at the hotel, stating that it was an internal operational decision made in the interest of service delivery.

However, Action Society argues that such luxury living is unjustifiable, especially during a time of budget cuts when police officers on the ground are being denied overtime due to financial constraints.

Action Society is calling for accountability and the reevaluation of priorities within the South African Police Service.

Must read:Broke SANDF spends R5 Million on a funeral

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