Soweto girl killed herself after allegedly discovering she was conceived when her mum was raped aged 12

The family of Musa Tshabalala, a grade 10 learner who tragically took her own life, is now reaching out for help to provide her with a proper burial.

The 16-year-old student from East Bank High School in Alexandra, Johannesburg, died by consuming rat poison on April 17, leaving behind a devastated family struggling to cope with the loss.

Musa’s story is one of profound sadness and hardship, as she grappled with the absence of her biological mother throughout her life.

Buyisiwe Tshabalala, Musa’s cousin, shared insight into the challenges that contributed to her tragic decision.

“Musa’s upbringing was very sad. She was conceived through r*pe when her mother was only 12 years old. After giving birth to Musa, she was abandoned to her grandmother’s care,” Tshabalala revealed.

The lack of a maternal presence in Musa’s life weighed heavily on her young shoulders, leading to a deep sense of loss and unanswered questions.

Learning the circumstances of her conception added a painful layer to her already complex emotions.

Tshabalala disclosed, “It was always troubling for Musa that she never had the chance to know her mother. Discovering the truth of her origin, involving a family member as the alleged perpetrator, exacerbated her inner turmoil.”

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