Soccer coach who also conducts bible studies stripped naked and beaten by community for raping minor boys

A 57 year old man accused of sodomising several minor boys was arrested and beaten by the community of Waterloo – KZN on Tuesday afternoon.

Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were dispatched to the corner of Rahima Moosa & Vezokuhle Road at approximately 17:29. On arrival, Reaction Officers discovered approximately 100 residents baying for the blood of a man. The man was stripped of his pants and underwear. The crowd were threatening to castrate him.

It was established that the accused is a resident of Parkgate and is employed at the Ethekwini Municipality. During his spare time he coaches soccer and conducts Bible studies with minor boys from Waterloo.

One of the boy’s informed his parents on Tuesday that the man drugged and raped him. His parents brought it to the attention of other residents who questioned their children. Four (4) other boys aged between 10 and 13 also confirmed that they were victims of the Paedophile. They stated that they were afraid to inform their parents because the suspect threatened to murder their families if they sought any assistance.

The children informed female RUSA Members that the man had been sodomising them for approximately one (1) year. He would escort them individually or in groups to his house where he would drug and rape them. During one (1) incident, he escorted three (3) children to his home one of the boy’s regained consciousness while his friend was being sexually assaulted.

It was alleged that the suspect was previously jailed for raping a minor boy in Mhlasini – KZN but this could not be immediately confirmed. The suspect was seriously injured during the mob attack.

He was placed under arrest and detained at SAPS Verulam.


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