Sivenathi died a painful death

Sivenathi Sebe was found murdered near a railway station in Pretoria West on 5 November 2022.

Sivenathi went missing on 4 November 2022. She was with her friends and when they noticed that she hadn’t returned, they reported to the police.

At the police station, they were told that a female body was found at the back of the Pretoria West Market and the friends were referred to Forensic Pathology Services. Upon arrival at the Pathology Services department, the friends were able to identify Sivenathi’s lifeless body and were told by the forensic officer that she was allegedly murdered.

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On the 11th Nov 2022, the family identified her body and was shown her post-mortem report. The report revealed that Sivenathi was found laying next to the railway station with a broken windpipe (suggesting that she was strangled) and that she was sexually assaulted.

It is alleged that after the family received the reports from the police, they found out that it police wrote in her report, that she went to sleep and was found the next morning and there was no assault or any medical condition. The family then questioned the investigating officer, but she is not available to speak to the family.


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