Shattered grandfather describes being gang raped by grandson and friends

The Eastern Cape was left in a state of shock as details emerged of how a grandson raped his 86-year-old grandfather on Sunday. The old man was alone at home on Friday evening when his 23-year-old grandson knocked on the door.

When the grandfather opened the door his grandson walked in with two friends.The elderly victim, whose identity cannot be revealed, said he thought his grandson was there to sleep over.

No arrests have been made after a grandfather and gang raped

The elderly victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, said he believed his grandson was there to sleep over.

How the grandfather was gang raped

“Instead, he demanded my wallet and a pack of cigarettes. He and his friends then began to beat me up and stripped me naked. I asked him what he was doing. He responded ‘you’re still asking?’”

“Then he said again: ‘I’m going to do to you what was done to me in prison’. He penetrated me from behind while hitting me on my thighs and pinning my arms down,” said the distraught elderly man.

The suspect and his friends allegedly took turns raping the old man.

Eventually, the victim managed to escape and ran naked to his neighbours home to seek help.

The suspect was raised by his grandfather, was recently released from prison after serving six months for assaulting and stabbing the victim while robbing him of his pension grant.

To protect the victim’s identity, an unnamed family member said that the suspect was the old man’s daughter’s son.

SAPS Amathole District commissioner General Xakavu said the suspect and his accomplices are still at large.


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