Sangoma narrates how a client overpowered her muti and proceeded to rape her 

Wednesday evening will forever haunt a 26-year-old sangoma after she was raped by a client. Sangomas are traditional healers who are believed to have the ability to communicate with ancestors and spirits to provide guidance and healing to their clients.

It is reported that the young Sangoma had gone to a clients home to perform a ritual when she was attacked.

In an interview with the SABC, she narrates what happened.

“Out of nowhere, a guy pushes me. I fall onto the bed, and he grabs me by my arms. I am trying to process everything that is happening because I am in shock. I came here to help someone spiritually, and this is what happens to me.”

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The sangoma community is now calling for stricter regulations and safety measures to be put in place to protect healers from such incidents. They are urging the government and relevant authorities to take action and ensure the safety of all traditional healers.

Gender-based violence continues to be a pervasive issue in South Africa, with high rates of rape and assault reported. This incident highlights the vulnerability of women, even in spiritual and traditional settings.

In response to the incident, the local police have launched an investigation and are working to apprehend the perpetrator.

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The sangoma has also received support from her community, with many offering their prayers and assistance during this difficult time.

While the young sangoma continues to grapple with the aftermath of the assault, she remains determined to continue her spiritual calling.

She believes that healing and helping others is her purpose in life and is determined not to let this traumatic incident deter her.

In a statement to the media, she said, “I will not let this define me. I will continue to use my abilities to help those in need. My strength and resilience will overcome this darkness.”


By Farai Diza


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