Prophet who predicted Zahara’s death slams ‘useless BBC documentary’ about TB Joshua

Well known Zimbabwean prophet, Mellontic Orasi, also known as Obey Mukanhairi, has expressed his thoughts on the recent BBC documentary that uncovered allegations of rape against the late TB Joshua.

The three-part series titled “Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua” shed light on widespread abuse and mistreatment within the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), founded by TB Joshua.

The documentary featured testimonies from over 25 former members of the church, detailing claims of rape, forced abortions, physical violence, and alleged fake miracle healings orchestrated by TB Joshua.

It also revealed how the church allegedly silenced and attacked those who tried to speak out against the abuse.

Prophet Obey Mukanhairi, who considers TB Joshua his spiritual father, directly addressed the BBC in response to the documentary.

He expressed his strong disapproval and accused the broadcaster of perpetuating a racial narrative that implies white superiority over blacks.

In his social media posts, he criticized the BBC’s reporting as “sickening and useless” and questioned why they were not investigating other preachers who allegedly used alcohol to heal their congregants.

Mukanhairi has gained recognition for his previous prophecies, including predicting the deaths of AKA, Costa Tich, and Zahara.

He also foretold that Zimbabwe’s Emmerson Mnangagwa would retain power in the country’s elections.

The BBC documentary has sparked widespread controversy and raised important questions about the accountability and behavior of spiritual leaders.

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