Shots fired, one dead and 2 Mozambican men arrested for ATM bombing

In the early hours of Wednesday, 2 May 2024, a shootout happened in Tweefontein, resulting in the fatal injury of a male suspect and two others, aged 19 and 21, were arrested.

The incident started when a group of armed suspects targeted a petrol station, attempting to get cash from the ATMs by detonating explosives after knocking on the door of the security guards with no response. Fortunately, the police were alerted, and they swiftly responded to the scene.

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A shootout ensued between the suspects and the police as the suspects attempted to flee. Despite the suspects’ attempts to evade arrest, two were captured by the police officers.

The scene was filled with empty cartridges, indicating the intensity of the confrontation. While the two arrested suspects face charges under the Explosives Act of South Africa, the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of the third suspect is under investigation by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID).

One dead 2 Mozambican men arrested in shootout

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Police continue to pursue the remaining suspects who fled the scene, urging anyone with information on their whereabouts to contact them.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the two suspects who were arrested are Mozambican nationals. Authorities are collaborating with the Department of Home Affairs to determine their legal status in the country.

No injuries were reported from the arrest of the two suspects, who are anticipated to appear at Kwamhlanga Magistrate’s Court in due course.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has welcomed the arrest of the suspects. “We are very much elated by the arrests of the two suspects and thanks to members of the SAPS who responded swiftly.

We are so proud to have members of such calibre. We hope that this success will somehow encourage members of the public to have more trust on Police as they are mandated to serve community interests on matters of safety,” said the General.


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